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Welcome to the School of Parapsychology. This online institution provides a rare gateway to the scientific enquiry into a world seemingly without answers. As you enter the cyberschool gates, you will realise that Parapsychology is a science comparable to other sciences such as chemistry, physics, biology and psychology. By this, I mean within this domain you will come across a multitude of positions, theories, facts, figures, arguments, and, perhaps more so for parapsychology than any other science, controversy. By opening its gates to the international community, the School of Parapsychology seeks to disseminate knowledge, from the basic foundations to the complex discussions, normally only the domain of the enthusiastic bookworms and parapsychologists.
Available Courses
Intermediate Parapsychology (Winter 2012)
Teacher: Ciarán O’Keeffe
Cost: £250.00
This course is designed to further the knowledge of those students who have a basic understanding of parapsychology research. The course sessions are intended to develop students’ knowledge of a wide variety of parapsychology topics not traditionally covered in other courses. This course also differs to Foundation courses by focusing the assignment side of the course on more independent study and research.
NOTE: Completion of “Foundations of Parapsychology” is a requirement to take this course
Advanced Parapsychology (FALL 2011)
Teacher: Ciarán O’Keeffe
Cost: £250.00
This course is the conclusion of a natural progression in levels of learning about Parapsychology. It tackles topics you would not see in any online or University course. In addition, through the study of various approaches to phenomena, students will learn about the experimental method in greater detail but now also the theoretical approaches to Parapsychology and also the controversy surrounding the results.
START DATE: Monday 10th October (Induction Week). Students are welcome to Register and start anytime up until Monday 17th October.
Foundations of Parapsychology (Fall 2011)
Teacher: Ciarán O’Keeffe
Cost: £250.00
Foundations of Parapsychology is a course designed to provide you with the basic knowledge regarding all aspects of Parapsychology. You will learn about ghosts, telepathy, precognition etc. and be part of an exciting weekly chat room tutorial as well as interact with other students via the weekly forum.
Intermediate Parapsychology (Fall 2011)
Teacher: Ciarán O’Keeffe
Cost: £250.00
This course is designed to further the knowledge of those students who have a basic understanding of parapsychology research. The course sessions are intended to develop students’ knowledge of a wide variety of parapsychology topics not traditionally covered in other course. It promotes critical thinking and teaches students the skills to critically assess published scientific papers in the same way an academic Parapsychologist would. In addition, through the study of various approaches to phenomena, students will learn about the experimental method and the controversy surrounding the results. This course also differs to Foundation courses by focusing the assignment side of the course on more independent study and research. Ultimately students will find that despite it being an online course they will be doing practical work. The structure of the course is a mixture of tutor notes, illustration through case examples, critical examinations and self-test activities, and reflexive questions. In addition, there is an attempt here to ensure each week’s format is exactly the same (i.e. notes, a scientific paper, forum question, and tutorial) but with a different activity directed at each theme.
NOTE: Completion of “Foundations of Parapsychology” is a requirement to take this course
START DATE: Monday 17th October (Induction Week). Students are welcome to Register and start anytime up until Monday 24th October.
Teacher: Steve Parsons
Teacher: Ciarán O’Keeffe
Cost: £50.00
An online short course providing resource material on all aspects of sound and its link with paranormal investigations. Topics covered include History of “Paranormal Sound”, Infrasound, EVP and modern gadgets (e.g. Frank’s Box), psychology of sound perception in addition to comprehensive guides on Sound Recording and equipment, and various supplementary material (e.g. scientific articles, poltergeist & EVP recordings).
There are 4 Modules in total which are each “stand alone” modules and which can be studied independently of each other: 1) Sound Recording (& Equipment), 2) Psychology of Sound Perception, 3) Infrasound & the Paranormal, 4) EVP/ITC.
Pay £15 for each individual module or £50 for the entire course (all modules). Go to “BOOK ‘n’ PAY” on the Facebook Page “So you wanna be a Ghosthunter?”.
Superstitious Thinking
Teacher: Ciarán O’Keeffe
Cost: £50.00
Superstitious Thinking is an irrational belief that an object, action or circumstance not logically related to a course of events actually influences its outcome. Those who understand science apply known scientific concepts to hlpe explain the natural world. Some say that those who don’t understand science use superstitions to explain events. In my view, this is too simplistic as various superstitions have become ingrained in our culture and psyche.
Rationally we know it is no more likely to rain if we don’t take our umbrella, but our mind can’t help reminding us how bad we’ll feel if we tempt fate. How many of you say “Bless you” when someone sneezes? Or divert from a straight path so we don’t walk under a ladder? Or won’t open an umbrella indoors? These are superstitious behaviours.
In this short course you will learn the origins of many traditional superstitions and be introduced to many more. You will learn about why people are superstitious and how, in some cases, it can turn from a superstition into a helpful behaviour. Whilst, in other cases, it can be unhealthy behaviour.
“Touch wood” you’ll enroll today. Or “Knock on wood” if you’re American!
START DATE: June 13th
DURATION: 4 weeks (though it is designed for you to complete it in your own time)
This area is designed for any Alumni from The School of Parapsychology. It is designed to enable you to interact with other Alumni. You are free to add discussion topics and forum threads. This is YOUR area and so I shall refrain from interjecting unless requested. In addition, if there are any other functions you as a group would like added to the site then please let me know.