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Foundations of parapsychology
General presentation
Tutor and course director: Dr. Ciaran O’Keeffe
Course code: SCOP101
Foundations of Parapsychology is a broadly focused course that introduces you to university-level study in Parapsychology across a range of subject areas including history (history of psychology and of science), psychology, magic, psychical research, spiritualism, critical thinking and other sciences. The course is presented in three themes that guide you through some of the basic concerns and interests of parapsychologists. By studying these you’ll acquire essential critical thinking skills and different perspectives for continuing with your studies.
Theme 1, History (The Past), focuses on the origins of parapsychology, its precursors in psychical research and mysticism. Through case studies of famous and infamous research figures like Arthur Conan Doyle, William James, Houdini, J. B. Rhine and Harry Price and the investigation of fascinating claimants such as the Fox Sisters, D. D. Home, Florence Cook, and Helen Duncan you will understand the development of parapsychology as a science.
Theme 2, Methods (The Present), considers the various methods employed now in tackling each aspect of parapsychological phenomena (e.g. telepathy, PK etc.). It covers topics such as Ganzfeld, experimental method, field investigation, observation etc., and encourages application of appropriate methods to controversial cases from the files of parapsychology.
Theme 3, Debate, examines the findings of parapsychology over the last 100 years, at times reassessing the data, but, more importantly, provoking debate about what has been found. In addition to discussing the most convincing laboratory evidence for telepathy and precognition (predicting the future), this final part takes a critical look at evidence captured in the field (e.g., ghosts, psychic criminology etc.).
As the course is a broad introduction to the study of parapsychology and the certificate program as a whole, no assumptions are made about the knowledge or education you bring to it. The course at this level provides core subject knowledge and study skills needed for both higher education and distance learning, to help you progress to courses at higher levels. Successful completion of this course will equip you to go on to any of the more specialized higher level courses, and by the end of it you will be expected to be working successfully at the level required of entry-level 1st year undergraduate psychology students. (In addition the course is pitched in such a way so as to not alienate those currently attending university or graduates. Students at all levels will be tested)
Testing and Assessment
Support from your tutor
You will have a tutor who will help you with the course material, mark and comment on your written work, and whom you can ask for advice and guidance. Tuition will take place across a range of media: there will be group tutorials conducted via a chat room, lectures conducted online and direct contact via forums and email.
There are 3 tutor-marked assignments and 3 multiple choice tests (1 for each theme) which we would normally expect you to submit online using the school web system. Assessment is an essential part of the teaching and you are expected to complete it all. You are also expected to contribute to forum discussions and scheduled chats. The course has no final examination but you are required to pass each assessment component in order to pass the course. One retake for a TMA and 1 retake for a test is permitted.
Course Material
What’s included – Course handouts (electronically or hard copy at an additional charge), scientific articles, course website, online video lectures, online forums.
You will need – Internet access and a PC.
Pricing and registration
Next Start date: October 2008
- UK fee: £250
- European fee: approx. €315
- US fee: approx. $450
3-month Fee Installment Plan available.
Click here to register for this course.